Christian Education Commission
Commission Chairs: Michelle Elser
This commission has the primary responsibility for church school and special educational events. They recruit and train Sunday School teachers, select curriculum, supervise the programing for all youth activities, and provide support to the Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, and FCC's Preschool. This commission oversees any needs for local youth attending camps and conferences, the church library, Vacation Bible School, and the audio visual system. They provide adult leadership training for teachers and youth sponsors as well as offer counseling and advice on scholarships available through the church.
Volunteer Opportunities: Teach adult, children or youth Sunday School or small group Bible study. Join a Sunday morning class or weekly small group. Chaperone a youth trip. Help out in the church nursery. Volunteer with Scouts. Serve in the Pumpkin Patch in October.
YOUTH MIDWINTER RETREAT is February 14-17 at Camp LaForet. The retreat is for kids 6th-12th grade and registration deadline to the church office is JANUARY 19, 2025. Contact Erika Stupak if you need further information.