Mission Commission

Commission Chair: Nancy Thomas


This commission studies a wide range of local, regional, national and world concerns and recommends to the Executive Board those which have been selected for support. They provide educational and promotional materials for the various outreach programs and publicize these programs to the congregation. They also maintain contact with the Church Finance Council of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Disciples Mission Fund, to be aware of the outreach concerns and activities of the denomination. They challenge the congregation with a program of study and action in the area of world concern with special attention being given to where need is the greatest. This commission promotes the observance of special days and offerings such as Reconciliation, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Week of Compassion, Easter, and Pentecost, with special emphasis on the educational phase. They plan educational opportunities of world outreach for the congregation, urge acceptance of goals for outreach mission work, and promote Disciples-related causes and emergency needs.

Volunteer opportunities: Learn more about overseas missionaries & disaster relief, help host a "world outreach" dinner or special event, speak in front of the congregation during a "moment for mission."

Sandwich Ministry: Jesus called his followers to "feed my sheep."  In addition to the spiritual food our congregation offers, we also work to respond to the needs of those around us who suffer from physical hunger.  Once a month the church serves a "mission meal" at the Central Wyoming Rescue Mission.  Every Saturday, volunteers gather with friends from other churches for the FCC Sandwich Ministry, preparing 100 sack lunches to distribute for free to the homeless and others in need in downtown Casper.  Your donations and volunteer labor is much appreciated!

Contribute to a special offering: Easter (Global Ministries, missionaries, and General Church ministries), Pentecost (New Church development), Thanksgiving (higher education), Reonciliation (ending racism & improving racial harmony), Christmas (regional ministries of the Christian Church in the Central Rocky Mountain Region), and Week of Compassion (disaster relief & refugee aid).


see www.weekofcompassion.org for current updates