Spiritual Growth
Commission Chairs: Kimberly Ireland
This commission contacts visitors to the church to welcome them and to share news of activities and services offered by the church. They answer questions for people planning to join the church and assist new members to get acquainted and become active in the life of the congregation. They are called to assume responsibility for special spiritual life programs and public relations, stimulate a continuous program of evangelism development in the congregation, and schedule an evangelism campaign each year as a part of a year-round evangelistic effort.
This commission also maintains records of attendance of members, organizes fellowship dinners and solicits help from various church groups for the specific tasks associated with fellowship events. They organize Sunday fellowship coffees, work closely with the Evangelism Commission to see that new members are acquainted with the church organization and that they feel a part of our church family. They initiate visiting, sending cards to, or telephoning inactive members to let them know they are missed. If any member has been absent for a period of time, they try to find, if possible, if there is any particular problem connected with non-attendance and/or non-support.
Volunteer Opportunities: Invite a friend to church! Serve as a greeter. Visit, phone or write a card to home-bound or inactive members. Help with a fellowship event such as a potluck dinner. Help with "worship on the mountain," the Thanksgiving Dinner and other special events. Take a welcome packet to new members.
Ongoing Events: