Adult Ministries

Study Groups

In addition to our Sunday morning adult classes, we offer a variety of adult study and fellowship opportunities throughout the year.  Topical studies include the Financial Peace University, Parenting Classes and Alcoholics Anonymous.  Shepherding groups meet quarterly and provide for fellowship between members with similar interests or of similar ages.  Community groups meet weekly in the fall and spring.  These home-based small groups discuss the scripture theme from the previous Sunday's sermon, share a time of prayer together, and talk about the intersections of life and faith.

Disciples Women's Ministry (DWM)

The purpose of DWM is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education, service and stewardship for women of all ages.  We have 3 different DWM groups that meet monthly during the day, both at the church and in local restaurants, and there is an annual general meeting for all of the women of the church.  We actively participate in our region's CWF Fall Renewal in Colorado.  (In 2011, we provided leadership for this regional event and had 17 of our women attend!  The 2012 event was led by the CWF from Salida, CO and the 2013 Renewal is currently being planned by the women of FCC in Cheyenne.)  The women help with bereavement activities for the church, and manage a Care Team that helps with the practical needs of members that are in recovery from surgery or life crises.

Godly Girlfriends

Our newest women's circle meets in the evening (usually on the last Thursday of each month) for fellowship and service activities.

Quilting and Crafts

A weekly quilting circle meets on Wednesday mornings.  Anyone is welcome to join.  The Casper chapter of the state quilters guild also meets at our church on Saturdays.  The first Saturday of the month is "scrapbooking" time.  Crafters of all ages and abilities are welcome, simply bring your current project and join the fun.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The women of the church hand-create knitted and crocheted prayer shawls and fleece comfort blankets to be given to individuals in need as a sign that the church is holding them in prayer and surrounding them with God's love.

Christian Men's Bible Study (CMF)

We have a Men's Bible Study fellowship every Saturday morning from 7:30 — 8:30 am.  Our men are invited each year to participate in our region's annual Men's Conference at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado.  Many of our men are also very active on the church's Property Commission and enjoy times of Christian fellowship while working on clean-up days and repair projects at the church or volunteering with Habitat for Humanity.  The "fly fishing and theology" retreat is held each August in the Bighorn Mountains.  Contact First Christian Church in Sheridan for more information (307-674-6795).

Church Leadership

Laity and clergy serve together in a team approach to ministry.  A volunteer Executive Board, made up of various members of the church, provides governance for the congregation.  The church program and activities are planned and administered through volunteer ministry commissions. The elders serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation, sharing with the pastor in worship leadership, taking communion to homebound members, and providing leadership for all of the ministries of the church.  The members of the Diaconate assist in numerous ways, serving "behind the scenes" both in worship and on every commission.  Members of the Eldership and Diaconate are commissioned by Christ "to be shepherds, to tend the flock that is your charge, serving willingly and humbly." (1 Peter 5:2)  To that end, the Elders host Shepherding Groups within First Christian Church. Their primary purpose is to provide personal and family support, as well as a helpful link between members having special needs/concerns and the Pastor/church leadership. In happy and sad occasions, it is appropriate for the Shepherding Group to provide support and love to the individual or family involved.

Local Volunteer Affiliations

Many of our adult members are highly involved in community service organizations such as: Interfaith, Meals On Wheels, local homeless shelters and youth homes, Wyoming Medical Center, Hospice and Eldercare Advocates.  Our Social Action commission helps encourage church members to participate in community service.  FCC regularly supports Casper's CROP Walk to benefit Church World Service and help combat hunger here and around the world.


A variety of fellowship events and potluck dinners are held regularly throughout the year to help our church family get to know one another better.  "Worship on the Mountain" is a special summer gathering in Beartrap Meadow.