Joys/Prayer Concerns
First Christian Church typically runs all prayer concerns for a period of two weeks from the time of the last update. If you have any corrections, updates, or additional information, please let us know.
Please pray for the following:
Don Sinn, Mary Oliver, Nick Hogan, Peg Jackson, Elaine Gross, Elaine Singleton, Monte Robertson, Mary Burgess, Patrick Potter
Suzy Stewart, Ed Grooms, Peg Jackson, Linda Feezer, Lois Purvis, Jacquie Cook, Floyd Field, Lyle & Jo Cox
CONTINUE TO PRAY for all who are grieving, our shut-ins, all those in nursing homes and assisted living, all those serving our country, for all FCC church members, those dealing with private issues and health concerns not shared, for the end of Bighting in the Ukraine, Israel, Palestine & Iran, the world in general and people and our new leaders.